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History of Guarda do Embau

According to the native stories, the name Guarda do Embau originated from the fact that centuries ago it was common to have pirates sailing along the coastline, as it happens,some pirates were unlucky and got ship wrecked. As they could not carry their treasure with them, they decided to bury the treasures which were kept in treasure trove along these shores. "guardado" ( kept inside) em bau (inside trove). with time the natives split the word "guardado" (Guarda do) which means "guard of" , and merged the words em bau to form a new word with no meaning; "Embau".

Guarda do Embau was put on the world map by the first surfers who discovered it's perfect waves back in the 70's; in those days, it was common for these surfers to remove the road signs from the highway to ensure that other surfers could not find this paradise; but as nothing in the modern world is kept secret for very long, it wasn't long into the 80's when an article in the Brazilian Playboy magazine spread the news about the existence of this paradise. Since then, it has never been out of the media, and as everything that is beautiful becomes a victim of it's own beauty, with Guarda do Embau it has been no different.

Nowadays, Guarda do Embau atracts people from all over the world; be it to enjoy it's beauty or to invest. As a result, a great number of guest houses and residential properties are owned by foreigners and people from states across Brazil. In turn this resulted in developments springing up everywhere; but because Guarda do Embau is situated within Serra do Tabuleiro National Park, the Local Environmental Agency has been very active inspecting and fining irregular building projects, and their action in the long run should preserve Guarda do Embau for future generations.


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