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Greek mythology identifies Olympus as the home of immortals such as Zeus, Hera, Hephaestus, and Aphrodite: thunder, marriage, fire, and sex. A tall order for a wilderness area. There’s another Mount Olympus in Greece, where the hike to the peak begins near a topless beach. As far as I know, the citizens of Salt Lake City do not condone topless females, but when we hiked the area, topless males were out in force. Mount Olympus rises to 9,026 feet and Mount Raymond is 10,241 feet. Just outside the wilderness boundary, the highest nearby peak, Gobblers Knob (10,246 feet), is home to a helicopterskiing enterprise. This trail guide includes descriptions of Mount Olympus South Summit, and Big Water Trailhead to Butler Fork Trailhead.


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