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Nothing speaks more emphatically for the ruggedness of the Mount Tipton Wilderness in Arizona’s Cerbat Mountain Range than the herds of mustangs—feral horses—that survive there despite continuing efforts to eliminate them. Periodically, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) enlists the services of mounted cowboys, assisted by an airborne drover in a helicopter, to roundup the horses and offer them for adoption. The roundup reduces their numbers but it doesn’t get rid of them. The deep canyons of the wilderness provide too many hiding places, places where cowboys and helicopters cannot follow. Horses escape to breed again, and, after a few years, the roundup starts over. Somehow the wild horses have adapted to this hot, dry, nearly waterless Mohave Desert region of yucca, beargrass, and Joshua tree. The 7,148-foot summit of Mount Tipton gave the wilderness its name, but the Cerbat Pinnacles are the main scenic attraction. Below and north of the peak, the maroon spires of the pinnacles contrast sharply with the dun-colored terrain of the encircling desert. This trail guide covers an area with no maintained trails.


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